Friday, September 10, 2010

Describe New Media

Examples of new media

Blogs, Facebook , MySpace,Twitter,Webcams, Second Lide
Wikis, Google Docs, Skype,Social Bookmarking, Mashups,Youtube,E-book, e Cards, photo sharing sites,virtual worlds, podcasts, and video sharing sites.
New medias enable people to share, edit, create contents with internet. The activity online are cheap or free.

Differences between old media and new media
Exemples of old media: Newspaper, magazine,TV, radio
Old media is  independent. There's less sharing and less communication among people or community.
Old media is changeless.It is hard to edit or criticize them.
Old media is slow. The information provided by old media is updated slowly.
New media updates in real time basis.
New media creates "collaboration" in community or organizaiton over the internet , such as Wiki.
New media connects people in the "community",such as Blog.
New media promote "creativity", such as photograph, cretive commons.
New media enable web-related "communication" online, such as Facebook, Myspace, e-mail(Friedman,Linda W. and Friedman, Hershey H.2008).
New media converges with other technologies, Such as online newspaper, eCard.
The old media lacks the characteristics of new media

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