Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I am one of the contributors of How Business is Using Social Networking. I added two kinds of content already. For the Types of Social Networking Used in Business, I contributed how YouTube used in business. I described that YouTube is a web video type media.  It is accessible to everybody. People can upload, download, create, or recreate the videos. The process is easy, and with little or no cost. I used Coke cola, Home Depot, PWC, and Con Edison as examples to show how different types of business utilize YouTube. Most of those companies use YouTube to show their advertisings. Also, they can use YouTube to make visitors to know more about their companies, and attract potential workers. For the Disadvantages of the Social Networking Era, I contributed the negative effects of social networking to customers’ privacy. It happens when companies use consumer’s information for illegal purposes. For instances, companies sell their own customers personal information, such as name, phone number, address, to other companies. Companies disclose customers’ business transactions to others, such as embarrassing videos.  I will provide more contents, such as the social networking media itself as a company. Google and Yahoo, they are social media based companies. I will use them or more similar examples to show how social networking creates new business.

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